Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, many educational institutes have resorted to providing online classes. The Andhra Pradesh Government has also started an online portal to sign up for online classes for the preparation for GATE exams. The classes are free, so anyone can sign up for them as long as they have a working internet connection.
The classes are available for Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Petrochemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering or Information Technology department.

The Electrical and Electronics engineering department provides study material and classes on Mathematics, Electrical Circuits, Control System, Analog electronics, Electromagnetics, Electrical Power Systems, Electrical Measurements, and Electrical Mechanics.
The Electronics and Communication Engineering classes cover the topics of Digital Communication, Mathematics, Analog Communication system, Electronics devices and system, Electromagnetic waves and transmission lines, Switching theory and logic design, Electronic Circuit Analysis, and Signals and system.
The syllabus of the civil engineering department includes Environmental engineering, mathematics, Engineering mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Structure Engineering, Construction Materials & Management Concrete structures, Foundation Engineering or Geotechnical Engineering, and Transportation Engineering.
The syllabus of the Chemical Engineering or Petrochemical engineering department includes Fluid mechanics, Thermodynamics, Mathematics, Heat Transfer, Chemical process calculation, and chemical reaction Engineering.
The Mechanical engineering department’s syllabus covers the topics of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning, Mathematics, Operation Research, Engineering Mechanics, Kinematics of Mechanics and Dynamics of Machinery, Heat Transfer and Manufacturing Technology or Production Technology.
And lastly, the Computer Engineering or the information technology offers the topics Theory of computation, C programming, Mathematics, Compiler Design, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Computer Networks and Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
The online classes are provided through YouTube. The students get the links to the YouTube video the day before the lecture, and they can attend the lecture by clicking the link.
The students can register for the online classes by providing their information like email ID, name, and Mobile number. Interested candidates who want to appear on the GATE examinations can join the classes and use their day in lockdown in a more productive way.
Before Sign Up, Read it carefully: https://jntua.ac.in/gate-online-classes/registration/Instructions_to_Students_Fifth_Phase_updated.pdf
JNTUA’s Official Link for Registration: https://jntua.ac.in/gate-online-classes/registration/
The important dates regarding the GATE Exams 2021 are as followed-
- The online Application website for the registration for the GATE 2021 exam will open on the 14th of September 2020.
- The closing date for the application portal is the 30th of September 2020.
- The registration with the addition of late fees will close on the 7th of October.
- The last date that anyone can change the city or paper or category of the exam will be the 13th 0f November 2020.
- The Admit cards for the examination will be available for download at the admission portal from the 8th of January 2021.
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